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Vegetation Management

Wildfire Risk Reduction 

Around your home, property, and landscaping

May contain: fire, bonfire, and flame

Proactive management is key.

Wildfires often spread by embers, which can fly 1-3 miles on the wind. Burnable things like firewood, bushes and/or mulch up against your home make your property unnecessarily vulnerable.  Managing the type, density, and location of vegetation can have a huge impact on reducing your risk.


Where do I start?

The best way to start is with Home Ignition Zones. This can help you prioritize where work needs to be done.

Illustration of fire defensible space zones around a house: Zone 1 (0-5 ft), Zone 2 (5-30 ft), Zone 3 (30-100 ft).


Other helpful tools are listed below:


Links to City and County Resources and Permits

*Click HERE for a list of Pitkin County Wildfire Mitigation Specialists*


FireWise Planting Guides


Local Resources:

The following list of vegetation management contractors, in no particular order, may be able to help you achieve your home ignition zone goals.

Please note: This list is neither an endorsement for nor an exhaustive list of local contractors. Please do your own research to make sure the contractor you select has the appropriate certifications, equipment, and insurance for your project.

If you are a contractor in the Aspen Fire Protection District area and would like to be added to this list, please reach out to

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